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Cardinality & Capped Collections

1. Cardinality of Collection

- LLEN key // List
- SCARD key // Set
- ZCARD key // Sorted-Set

2. Capped Collections

  • Retain subset of members

Use Cases

  • Leaderboard in a game
  • Recent Activity in Activity Stream


  • specify the range of elements you want to retain.
  • trimming can be specified from the left



> rpush list-one a b c d e f 
(integer) 6

> lrange list-one 0 -1 
1) "a" 
2) "b" 
3) "c" 
4) "d" 
5) "e" 
6) "f" 

> ltrim list-one 0 4 

> lrange list-one 0 -1 
1) "a" 
2) "b" 
3) "c" 
4) "d" 
5) "e"

4. ZREMRANGEBYRANK Key Start Stop - the Equivalent of LTRIM in Sorted Set

> ZADD set-one 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 
(integer) 6

> ZREMRANGEBYRANK set-one 5 -1 
(integer) 1

> zrange set-one 0 -1 
1) "a" 
2) "b" 
3) "c" 
4) "d" 
5) "e"

Last update: May 18, 2023
Created: May 16, 2023