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OSI 7 계층 모델

1. Physical Layer

  • Computer data exists in form of Bits (1 and 0)
  • Somthing has to transport thos bits between hosts
  • L1 Technologies: Cables, Wifi, Repeaters, Hub
  • Hop-to-Hop communication
  • use Mac Address
  • L2 Technologies : ARP, (L2) Switch

3. Network Layer

  • End-to-End communication
  • use IP Address
  • L3 Temnologies - IP (Internet Protocol), Router

4. Transport Layer

  • Service-to-Service communication (Process to Process)
  • use port number
    • L4 Technologies - TCP, UDP

5.6.7. - Session, Presentation, Application

  • Distinction between these layers is somewhat vague

Last update: May 10, 2023
Created: February 9, 2023