1. basic
- markdown
> [!note]
> basic admonition conversion test
- rendered
basic admonition conversion test
2. with external links
- markdown
> [!note]
> github for this project - [link](
- rendered
github for this project - link
3. with title
- markdown
> [!note] title
> haha
- rendered
4. with image (in Markdown link)
- markdown
> [!note]
> ![images/book.png](images/book.png)
- rendered
5. with image (in Wiki link)
- markdown
> [!note]
> ![[images/book.png]]
- rendered
6. with code block
- markdown
> [!note] note with code block
> ```kotlin
> fun main() {
> println("hello world")
> ```
- rendered
note with code block
fun main() {
println("hello world")
7. note with content tab
- might be imporved
- markdown
> [!note] code block with content tab and admonition
> === "C"
> ``` c
> #include <stdio.h>
> in main(void) {
> printf("Hello world!\n")
> return 0;
> }
> ```
> === "kotlin"
> ``` kotlin
> fun main(){
> println("Hello world!")
> }
> ```
- rendered
code block with content tab and admonition
**include**{: .hash} <stdio.h>
in main(void) {
printf("Hello world!\n")
return 0;
fun main(){
println("Hello world!")
- markdown
> [!example]
> === "Unordered List"
> ``` markdown
> * Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
> * Donec vitae suscipic est
> * Nulla tempor lobortis orci
> ```
> === "Ordered List"
> ``` markdown
> 1. Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
> 2. Donec vitae suscipic est
> 3. Nullatempor loboritis orci
> ```
- rendered
* Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
* Donec vitae suscipic est
* Nulla tempor lobortis orci
1. Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
2. Donec vitae suscipic est
3. Nullatempor loboritis orci