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Admonition Callout

feature - admonition callout

Convert obsidian callout to mkdocs-material admonition

See Demo for more examples

Basic Usage

obsidian callout

> [!note] haha
> I am obsidian callout!
> I became mkdocs admonition!


mkdocs-material admonition

!!!note "haha"

    I am obsidian callout!
    I became mkdocs admonition!


I am obsidian callout!

I became mkdocs admonition!


obsidian callout

> [!faq]- Are callouts foldable? 
> Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden when the callout is collapsed.


mkdocs-material admonition

??? faq "Are callouts foldable?"
    Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden when the callout is collapsed.
Are callouts foldable?

Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden when the callout is collapsed.


obsidian callout

> [!note] some note
> some content before nested notes
> > [!note] nested note with no content
> > [!note] another nested note with some another content
> > some another content
> some content after nested notes


mkdocs-material admonition

!!! note "some note"

    some content before nested notes

    !!! note "nested note with no content"

    !!! note "another nested note with some another content"

        some another content

    some content after nested notes  

some note

some content before nested notes

nested note with no content

another nested note with some another content

some another content

some content after nested notes

💡 Notes

common types that obsidian callout and mkdocs-material admonition support are

  • note
  • abstract
  • info
  • tip
  • success
  • question
  • warning
  • failure
  • danger
  • bug
  • example
  • quote

common types that obsidian callout, mkdocs-material admonition and even GitHub Docs alert support are

  • note
  • tip
  • warning

Implementation details and Warning

implementation limitation

Unlike actual obsidian callout, It requires more precise syntax.
there sholud be only zero or one space before and after first > character
and no space before the rest of > characters and one space after it.

recommended format is as below

> [!info]
> copy me 
